Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 2, 2012

Domestic coach will get 200 million VND salary

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In March, the National Referee Council will finalize their choice for the national football squad coach. He will be Vietnamese and his salary is set at around 200 million VND per month.

Three months have passed since the firing of the German coach Falko Goetz. During that time, a lot of news articles focused on this "hot issue".

"Within this March, the National Referee Council will meet to discuss the candidate's list. We have prepared a survey for coaches from clubs meeting all the criteria. Currently, the Asian Football Confederation requires all coaches to hold an A certificate, in which Vietnam has Le Huynh Duc, Phan Thanh Hung, Nguyen Huu Thang…", said Mr Duong Nghiep Khoi, Vice VFF General Secretary.


One of the toughest challenges is that all domestic candidates are already running clubs.

According to Mr Nguyen Sy Hien, National Referee Council Chairman, Coach Mai Duc Chung is the single candidate who is free. However, the council will carefully consider for the best option. Vietnam has a lot of experienced coaches, and careful negotiation will be pursued with candidates and clubs.

The final results of the VFF meeting show that the salary for the domestic and foreign coach will be balanced. The domestic coach will get 250 million VND per month or around 200 million VND after tax. Meanwhile, his assistant will benefit 70-100 million VND. Budget for the position is fixed. VFF believes that the improvement in salary will create a strong impetus for a domestic coach.

The men's national football team will play Hong Kong in a friendly match on June 12. Three months later, Vietnam will also compete in friendly matches with Thailand (in Bangkok) and Ukraine. After that, the team will gather in Ho Chi Minh City for the VFF Cup from October 24-26-28. Then, it will join the 2012 AFF Cup (the ninth edition of the tournament which will be co- hosted by Malaysia and Thailand)./.


China paper says West stirring up civil war in Syria

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Western countries are stirring up a civil war in Syria with their wholehearted support for the opposition, a top Chinese newspaper said on Monday, slamming calls for the country"s leader to hand over power as an incitement to further violence.

syrian A Syrian demonstrates to show her support for Syria's President Bachar al-Assad in Turkey's southern city of Antakya February 19, 2012. Photo: Reuters

Western countries are stirring up a civil war in Syria with their wholehearted support for the opposition, a top Chinese newspaper said on Monday, slamming calls for the country's leader to hand over power as an incitement to further violence.

China and Russia angered Western and Arab states this month by blocking a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that backed an Arab plan urging Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to quit amid his government's violent crackdown on opposition protests.

Stung by the criticism, China has since sent envoys to the region to seek a diplomatic solution, including Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun, who met Assad in Damascus on Saturday and backed his plans for a referendum and multi-party elections.

Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily, in a front page commentary in its overseas edition, said China must stick to its line in opposing any attempt to force regime change or intervene in Syria.

"If Western countries continue to fully support Syria's opposition, then in the end a large-scale civil war will erupt and there will be no way to thus avoid the possibility of foreign armed intervention," Qu Xing, who the paper identified as a foreign affairs expert, wrote in the piece.

If the Security Council had passed the resolution backing the Arab League for Assad to step down, that would only have lead to more violence, Qu wrote.

"Assad would have had his back up against the wall with all means of retreat cut off, and the opposition would have been encouraged to press steadily forward. Clashes would have been even worse than they are now."

Over the weekend, thousands of Syrians demonstrated in the heart of the capital in one of the biggest anti-government rallies there since a nationwide uprising started nearly a year ago.

The latest unrest took place as Chinese envoy Zhai met Assad and appealed to all sides to end the violence. Zhai also met opposition members.

Zhai also expressed Beijing's support for Assad's plan to hold a referendum and multi-party elections within four months -- a move the West and some in Syria's fragmented opposition movement have dismissed as a sham.

Chinese state media has published numerous commentaries in recent days on Syria, warning against armed intervention, forced regime change or sanctions, in a reflection of government thinking on the issue.

China and Russia have been Assad's most important international defenders during the crackdown which has killed several thousand people and divided world powers. The United Nations, the United States, Europe, Turkey and Arab powers want Assad to step down and have condemned the repression.


Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 2, 2012

Extreme cold lures tourists to Sapa for Xmas

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The occupancy rate of hotels in the tourist resort city of Sapa has increased dramatically following the news that the temperature there is forecast to fall below zero degrees Celsius on Christmas Eve.


Temperatures in the high mountainous areas of Sapa and Y Ty tumbled to 8-10 degrees Celsius on the evening of December 22. Sapa inhabitants said if the temperate reaches 0 degrees Celsius, this will be the second year that local people have the chance to welcome Christmas in the frigid atmosphere, which is suitable for Santa Clause to present children with gifts.

Restaurants and hotels in Sapa have decorated Christmas trees and prepared pictures of Santa Clause and chestnuts for celebrating the festive holiday.

Some big hotels like Chau Long, Hoang Gia, Green Bamboo and Hoa Dao plan to launch some exchange programs and parties.

Le Manh Hao, Head of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Section of Sapa district, said there are a large number of both domestic and foreign tourists to Sapa this year, and many families have chosen to visit Sapa to celebrate the New Year.


U.S. federal govt to run 1.1 trillion USD deficit in FY 2012

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The U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicted on Tuesday that the federal government would run a budget deficit of around 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars in the 2012 fiscal year.

Measured as a share of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) , the budget shortfall of 7 percent in the 2012 fiscal year ending Sept. 2012 was nearly 2 percentage points below the deficit recorded in the 2011 fiscal year, but still higher than any deficit between 1947 and 2008, the CBO said in a report.

This would mark the fourth fiscal year in a row that the U.S. federal government budget exceeds the 1-trillion-dollar threshold. And the latest budget deficit projection for this fiscal year was higher than the previous estimate of 973 billion U.S. dollars.

The report was a fresh reminder of the unsustainable fiscal trajectory of the U.S. federal government.

CBO, the non-partisan budgetary and economic research agency for the Congress, predicted that the U.S. federal government's budget deficit will drop to 585 billion U.S. dollars in the 2013 fiscal year, largely due to rising revenue and the expiration of George W. Bush-era income tax cut policies.

However, many GOP lawmakers have fought hard for the continuation of the Bush-era tax cut policies, as they believe that raising taxes for job creators now would harm the still fragile economic recovery.

"The federal budget deficit -although starting to shrink- remains very large by historical standards," cautioned the CBO, adding that how much and how quickly the deficit declines will depend in part on how well the economy does over the next few years.

The pace of the economic recovery has been slow since the recession ended in June 2009, and the CBO expects that, under current laws governing taxes and spending, the economy will continue to grow at a sluggish pace over the next two years, according to the report.



Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 2, 2012

10 “bí quyết” cho lần hẹn đầu tiên

TT - Dưới đây là 10 bí quyết để bạn có thể chinh phục trái tim người ấy ngay từ cuộc hẹn đầu tiên.


Tình yêu - Ảnh: QUÂN NAM


1 Chọn địa điểm phù hợp

Nên chọn chỗ mà bạn biết người ấy sẽ thích. Tránh tuyệt đối những chỗ ồn ào (hai bạn chẳng thể nghe nhau nói), rạp chiếu phim (bạn không được nói chuyện trong rạp chiếu phim!). Ngoài ra, không nên mời người bạn mới quen về nhà vì bạn chưa biết nhiều về người đó.

2 Tạo ấn tượng tốt đẹp ban đầu

Hãy chăm chút cho vẻ bề ngoài. Tắm gội sạch sẽ, áo quần thẳng thớm, tinh tươm sẽ ghi điểm trong mắt bất cứ ai. Đặc biệt, không uống rượu bia trước buổi hẹn nếu bạn không muốn tỏ ra thô lỗ.

3 Hãy tử tế

Bạn nên đối xử với người ấy theo cách bạn muốn được đối xử. Đừng nói dối hoặc đưa ra những hứa hẹn khiến người kia hi vọng. Đừng nói bạn sẽ gọi hoặc hẹn gặp lần sau nếu bạn không có ý định đó.

4 Gạt bỏ những gánh nặng tinh thần

Lần đầu hẹn hò không phải là lúc để bạn trút bầu tâm sự. Hãy nghĩ nó như buổi phỏng vấn - nơi bạn khẳng định những điểm mạnh chứ không phải chỗ để bạn than van, hối tiếc về những sai lầm trong quá khứ.

5 Hãy là chính bạn

Cho người ấy thấy con người thật của bạn, đừng cố gắng trở thành mẫu người bạn thích hoặc người ấy thích. Bạn đâu muốn người ấy phải lòng "người không phải là bạn".

6 Đừng nói quá nhiều

Nếu bạn chỉ chăm chăm nói về mình trong suốt buổi hẹn sẽ gây cho người ấy cảm giác không được quan tâm. Hãy khiến đối phương cảm thấy đặc biệt và quan trọng bằng cách lắng nghe người ấy nói và đặt những câu hỏi gợi mở.

HẢI THI (Theo Telegraph)


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